I d like to thank FlightsimJBS

     Hes another blog i visit everyday or so. While searching for a rare fs2004 file i came upon his blog and have loved it since.

    He posts everyday with links to files from FS9/FSX and P3D, most are files you've seen before but some are files so rare that it makes mundane days fall away!!

     I've never been able to get in touch with him but id like to say thanks for linking these files and stuff for the last few years. If i can find a file anywhere using flightsim.com or avsim i will load up his blog and voila... you should see some amazing aircraft's he gets linked on his blog..


All you need to do to get there is click this link

 or click on the link in the sidebar!!

 Happy flying! and thanks JBS!! 

 you make me feel

 Keep Up the good work!!




sayonara squawkbox from early 2000...

so i guess it comes to this I've uninstalled this program and have no reason to use it ever  again.. thanks to the group who made it and i hope we all learn from them...

squawk box came into the fs community in the late 1990s and early 2000s with a way to connect to vatsim, and allow us to enjoy the servers..

and just last year vatsim said they dont need people using it, so they retired it and there we go!!

thanks to the 20 years of service!!

its deeply important...

 after all these years and counting that we still see questions about the fs9 no cd patch its aggravating no one knows...

the fs9.1 patch is available on the net, and the no-cd patch is on the net as well

since 2004 was released its incredibly stupid to think that once it was thought of as a virus and not allowed so its been like a feew  years that its been ok to download it...


is the 9.1 versiom


and the fs9 no cd crack

its been fun...

Well it's been about a year since I have tried to get my computers running  and then couldn't possibly use them again so they don...